Entheo Digital to Sponsor, Speak, and Demonstrate Digital Therapeutic Product at Wonderland–the World's Leading Psychedelic Event

MIAMI, FL – Entheo Digital, a digital therapeutics company creating mental health technology at the intersection of psychedelic-assisted-therapy and immersive-technology, is set to sponsor and participate in a plethora of panels and activities at Wonderland ‘22 in Miami.

All Wonderland Attendees are invited to book a FREE private demo of Entheo Digital’s SoundSelf--which uses a biometric feedback loop between the voice and breath to facilitate transpersonal states in as little as 15 minutes. They can book their free demo here.

Lyle Maxson, Entheo Digital Co-Founder & Chief Strategic Officer, was asked what attendees can learn from the Entheo Digital team. He answered, “As we watch the next wave of technological advancement approach us, we can leverage technology to provide transformative experiences for us that facilitate our growth and allow us to step into becoming a purposeful member of society. Instead of a culture of addiction and escapism we can take our latest immersive tech and AI to create experiences that benefit the body and mind. Transformation and entertainment are not two separate categories but deeply interlinked, and truly the way to meet people where they are at providing profound experiences that uplift the human spirit in the process.”

Additionally, two Entheo Digital founders will be speaking on their respective areas of expertise.

Sandeep Prakash, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer will be speaking on a panel about the role of AI and technology in improving safety and outcomes in psychedelic assisted psychotherapy.

“The Wonderland conference is a great opportunity to interact with the diverse set of stakeholders that are shaping this nascent industry.” stated Sandeep. “I'm excited to share about how Entheo Digital is working to improve care delivery throughout the entire patient journey using clinically-validated digital therapeutics. Communicating our message to the stakeholders in this industry is a crucial step in establishing pre-competitive collaborations that will pave the way for market access for both digital therapeutics and psychedelics.”

Lyle Maxson, Chief Strategic Officer will be speaking on how technology is shaping the future of psychedelics.

“Events like these gather the mission-driven, impact focused organizations, healers, researchers and enthusiasts to create meaningful connections that unite us together and move the needle of planetary shift forward,” says Lyle. He continues, “These events activate the activators and heal the healers, this is where we get filled up in order to show up better in the world and take the connections and lessons we learn to everyone we touch. Creating a ripple throughout the cosmos far beyond what we can measure.”

Maxson also believes digital therapeutics and psychedelic medicine will continue to evolve for the positive. “I see immersive technologies evolving side by side with the psychedelic movement as a way to catalyze the process of experiential healing and participatory medicine. Taking autonomy over our mental health and subsequently our lives.”

Entheo Digital will also have a booth set up at the main event for anyone who is interested in meeting our team and learning more about our Digital Therapeutics product. 

About Entheo Digital

We know that therapists and healers are more than just one-size-fits-all practitioners of a system—they’re highly empathetic and creative souls who yearn to better their patients and community. We believe these people should have access to the best tools that enhance their practice in a way that is not only safe and effective, but also rewarding and even fun.

Our evidence-based, state-of-the-art tools use techniques of ancient origins. They are transformative technologies, validated by science,  and delivered in a compassionate setting by you.

Website: https://entheo.digital/

About SoundSelf

SoundSelf engages your voice in a biofeedback loop enhanced by vibro-acoustics and light therapy.

It’s a participatory sound bath that activates all of your senses, and has been measured to produce transpersonal states of consciousness after 15 minutes of immersion. 

SoundSelf introduces “surrender practice” and “psychedelic memory reactivation” into the therapist’s tool-kit .

Multiple research studies have shown that experiencing SoundSelf results in large and significant improvements in anxiety, depression, mindfulness, and wellbeing.

Website: https://entheo.digital/product

About Wonderland

Wonderland will be the one psychedelics conference people won’t want to miss out on. Discover the world of psychedelic medicine along with some of the leading founders, investors, therapists, practitioners, researchers, thought leaders, innovators, and media from around the globe.

Wonderland will highlight experience and adventure, with a Mushroom Marketplace, Virtual Reality Zone, Art Gallery, multiple NFT Exhibits, Massage Areas, a Wellness Dome, and so much more.

Website: https://microdose.buzz/wonderland

Sandeep Prakash, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer

• Psychedelic Researcher trained at California Institute of Integral Studies

• Expert in leading psychedelic and DTx research

• Over a decade of experience in transformative experience design


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